Thursday, October 31, 2019

Legalizing Marijuana, Pro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legalizing Marijuana, Pro - Essay Example Medical science has adopted a cautious approach while dealing with the issues related to legalization of marijuana. In other words, medical science neither completely opposes, nor it completely opposes the legalization of marijuana use in America. This is because of the fact that controlled use of marijuana may bring more benefits than harm. Patients who are suffering from chronic pain may be benefitted, if they are allowed to take marijuana in a controlled manner. This paper critically analyses all the dimensions of this controversial topic and argues in favor of legalizing of marijuana in America. Marijuana use is legal in fourteen American states at present. â€Å"The 14 states that have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes are Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington†(Hall & Schiefelbein, p.197). It would be illogical to argue that these states legalized marijuana use without a deep study. In other words, these states might have conducted many studies before legalizing the usage of marijuana in their territories. â€Å"The cannabinoid drug THC has been approved by Food and Drug Administration for use in relieving nausea and vomiting and increasing appetite in people with cancer and AIDS. Testing of other marijuana extracts is still in the early stages† (Find support and treatment). ... A pure preparation of the major active component, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Marinol or dronabinol, is available for treating nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy and as an adjunct to weight loss in patients with wasting syndrome associated with AIDS. Although such approval currently applies only to orally administered THC, for practical purposes smoked marijuana should also be expected to be equally effective (Holister, p.5). The acceptance of marijuana among American people is growing day by day. â€Å"A recent Gallup poll found that a historic high of 46 per cent of Americans favor legalizing the drug† (Abramsky, p.18). Under such circumstances, prohibition of marijuana force people to collect marijuana from illegal sources. Collection of marijuana from illegal sources may cause huge taxes to the government. Clements et al (2010, p.20) pointed out that â€Å"taxing marijuana at the same rate as tobacco is estimated to yield additional revenue of about 24% of the pre-existing proceeds from taxation of tobacco and alcohol†. A recent study estimates that a state could collect tax revenues in the $650 million to $760 million range, if marijuana use is legalized. Moreover, law enforcement costs would decline by several hundred million dollars per year while legalizing marijuana (Abramsky, p.18). From the above findings, it is evident that legalizing of marijuana would help a government to increase tax revenue and reduce expenditure for the law enforcements. It should be noted that plenty of efforts and resources are necessary for the government to seize illegal marijuana collections and to enforce the law. Such expenditure can be avoided

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Decision Making in an Addicted Brain Essay Example for Free

Decision Making in an Addicted Brain Essay Decision making is a mental process of selecting a course of action. We exercise this right to free will on a very regular basis. We often think this right comes easily to us, however in individuals with neurological addictions decision making can be a difficult process. With individuals who are addicted to a substance or habit decision making is abnormal (Fecteau, 2010). When an addict partakes in the substance they are addicted to there is often a rush or feeling of relief. If an addict is attempting to quit using a substance, they often attempt to obtain a similar feeling of satisfaction. Typically recovering addicts turn to risky decision making due to the fact that when one makes a risky choice the two experiences share similar behavioral sensations (Fecteau, 2010). Understanding how addicts make decisions based on their addiction is crucial in planning treatment options in order to suppress drug cravings in substance abusing patients. Through certain testing, scientists have discovered that specific, noninvasive brain stimulation can aid in the suppressing of drug cravings in addicts. The inference was made that if we can stimulate a portion of the brain that controls decision making in the average human, we can aid in the suppression of cravings. This portion of the brain is called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Fecteau, 2010). It is located in the frontal cortex of the brain which controls other things such as mannerisms, social and sexual behavior, as well as decision making. With this technique of addiction suppression, there are many things to take into consideration. These things could be possible implications with the therapy, moral values as to whether testing this method on humans is humane, as well as whether or not there could be possible health risks in the future. This method of addiction suppression is an interesting one that could potentially make shaking an addiction much less difficult if the risks turn out to be minimal. References Fecteau, S., Fregni, F., Boggio, P. S., Camprodon, J. A., Pascual-Leone, A. (2010). Neuromodulation of Decision-Making in the Addictive Brain. Substance Use Misuse, 45(11), 1766-1786.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shakespeares Presentation of Macbeth

Shakespeares Presentation of Macbeth Toward the start of the play Shakespeare presents Macbeth to be overcome and  courageous. After Macbeth wins the battle, Malcolm alludes to him as an intense and  solid trooper and King Duncanadmits/perceives/reacts to him as a commendable  honorable man. This tells the gathering of people that Macbeth has won the battle,  as well as is regarded by people with great influence, thusly they ought to regard  him. Shakespeare does hintMacbeths underhanded side when the Captain clarifies that  he unseamed him [Macdonwald] from the nave to thechops, And settled his head upon  our (manor dividers with holes to put firearms through). Macbeth killedMacdonwald by  slitting him open from his navel to his jawbone and stuck his head their (tremendous,  favor, stone house) dividers. Macbeths vicious actionsare covered up by his  courageous conduct and acclaim by others, so the gathering of people is uninformed of  insidiousness conceivable. Macbeth is praisedby others which a ppears/speaks to him as  gallant, yet little snappy looks of viciousness is appeared at thebeginning of the  play. Likewise, Shakespeare then goes to present Macbeth as the honest fundamental  character. Whenever Macbeth meets the three witches and his expectation is  appeared/advised to him, as indicated by Banquo he isstart[eld] and fear[ful]  towards the witches and what they are stating. Macbeths disarray  appears/representshim to be practically vulnerable. This is the most blameless the  crowd sees Macbeth in the play. In spite of the fact that hes future is declared to  him, he doesnt know the impact it will hold. The gathering of people react diversely  toMacbeths expectations. Since they are not situated in the play, they are eager to  perceive how Macbeths future works out instead of befuddled. Macbeths excitement  appears/speaks to him to be ignorant of theevil that is about to go submerged him.   More than that, Shakespeare presents Macbeth to be (in an embarrassingly frightened  way). In any case, Macbeth was not a powerless, he was quite astute. Macbeths  discourse in Act 1 Scene 7, clarifies how a dangerous demonstration will bring about  discipline and instruct others to do/perform wrongdoings. Additionally, his solid  ethics are show when heexpresses how he wouldnt like to break the rulers trust. He expresses that yearning to do extraordinary things whichoverleaps itself and falls  on the other, which means yearning to do extraordinary things makes individuals act  in clear and sensible ways andcauses debacle. This demonstrates the gathering of  people that Macbeth once knew the aftereffects of murder, the risk of longing to do. incredible thingsand had kept down solid ethics. Woman Macbeths moving  around/deluding and deceiving displayedMacbeth to be a man (whos anxious about even  slight risk) and inquiries his masculinity. She likewise humiliated (be fore many  individuals) him by looking at his individual (whos anxious about even slight  danger)ness to the way that she dashed the brains out of her infant. Macbeth may  have been shrewd, yet the way that his wifecontrolled/moved around/deluded him causes  the gathering of people to see him as a man (whos anxious about even slight risk). Besides, presents Macbeth to be blameworthy. After he executes King Duncan,  Macbethlooks at his hand and alludes them to being a heartbroken sight. This  demonstrates Macbeth is embarrassed with whathe has done. Coerce additionally puts  submerged/encompasses by something Macbeth, when he begins seeing or hearing things  that arent there after he finds the news that his specialists execute Banquo. While  making a scene during supper Ross sees him as not well andLennox wishes that  better wellbeing go to his grandness. The gathering of people have an emotional (a  shocking and intriguing occasion that is the correct inverse of what is normal) of  the circumstance which implies they know more than the visitors do. Disgrace is a  disorder, so what theguests seehas Macbeths disease, the group of onlookers sees as  additionally observe as wiped out. However their response is distinctive: the crowd  doesnt identify like Macbeths visitors do, they rather trust that he is commendable  ofthis discipline. At long last, Shakespeare presents Macbeth to be desensitized to  sentiments. In the wake of hearing the cry of awoman, Macbeth (comprehends/makes genuine/accomplishes) that he has overlooked the essence of fears. Macbeth  hasbecome so not able to be harmed by malice that he  cant fear. Additionally, when Seyton reveals to Macbeth that the queenis dead  he has a carelessreaction. He demonstrates no misery, rather expressing that she  ought to have passed on after at this point. Not onlyhas Macbeth lost his capacity  to fear, but rather his capacity to feel. He goes ahead to have an imprudent view on  lifestating that it appears/shows nothing. He trusts that individuals stress a lot  over life,whichmeans that he has no stress by any stretch of the imagination. Macbeths response to Seytons message, changes the gathering of peoples perspective  of Macbeth. He   changes from the guiltless primary character to the corrupt  principle character along these lines the audience has outrage (over being abused)  towards him. Macbeth is so involved with blame, that he has lost the ability to feel. In end/final product, Shakespeare exhibits a decrease in Macbeths character all  through the play, through the eyes of different characters. He is firstly observed as  overcome, then he is characterized as the honest principle character. As he changes,  he transforms into individual (whos anxious about even slight peril), then a  dishonorable man andfinally a man desensitized to feeling.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Romeo and Juliet - Friar Laurence Essay -- English Literature Essays

Romeo and Juliet - Friar Laurence To what extent is Friar Laurence responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? The Friar is answerable for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, but only to some degree. Often, because of his involvement in the lives of the lovers, Friar Laurence can be seen as more responsible for their deaths than he actually is, although in the last scene the Friar is partially responsible for the death of Juliet. However his responsibility is mild compared to the accountability of other influences in the lovers’ lives, including friends, parents and the idea of fate or fortune. Even Romeo and Juliet themselves can be blamed to some extent for the tragedy. Although it often appears that the Friar is responsible for events leading to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, in reality it is usually other influences that are accountable. For instance, the Friar’s plan (giving Juliet the sleeping potion to evade the wedding to Paris, then spiriting her to Mantua until Romeo could return to Verona) was not flawed in itself. Unfortunately however, Balthazar, seeing Juliet’s funeral, hastened to tell Romeo that he â€Å"saw her laid low in her kindred’s vault,† (5, 1, 20). It was this information that made him, and later Juliet, commit suicide. Again, while marrying Romeo and Juliet may seem like an irresponsible action, it did not contribute to the lovers’ deaths. Their first meeting, based on chance, and their separation, as a result of Romeo’s banishment, played a...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Community Health Advocacy Project Essay

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS [2009]), says that for every dollar used in health care, less than $0.03 is spent in health prevention activities. Community and public health nurses are in position to actively participate in health promotion. This article will describe the terms community and aggregate, and the differences between these concepts. The author will identify an aggregate and describe it as a health issue. The second part will illustrate the three stages of a conceptual framework and the application as an advocate for the aggregate. Community A community is determined by the same rules, guidelines, and governmental laws. There are different types of communities: Geographic communities (same neighborhood, suburb, or city). Equally important is the community determine by culture, which includes the ethnics and religious groups, and disable, or fragile age people. The community includes several organizations and politic associations (Messing, 2009). Aggregate Is a group of individuals, families, and groups who are associated because of similar social, personal, health care, or other needs? Elders with depression within a society are an imperative aggregate in the community. The aggregate make up a community (Miller & Keane, 2009). Differences between Aggregate and Community When several aggregate are joined, it forms a whole. The aggregates are types  of communities, and the communities are types of aggregates. Both aggregates and communities are considered as a whole, but the aggregate is on a larger scale than a community. Moreover, the aggregates can be up of communities (Miller & Keane, 2009). Identification and Description of Aggregate Depression is a crucial public health problem and a frequent mental disorder found in elderly people. Elders are at an incredibly high risk of depression because more than 50% of older adults suffer two or more chronic health condition. By 2015, adults age 65 and older will increase up to about 20% of the population in America; and by 2050, the population more than 85 is expected to reach 19 million (U. S. Census Bureau’s, 2010). Depressed elders have the highest rates of suicide as compared to any other age group. The five percent of adult older suffer of depression and a high incidence of suicide is reported in this population (Naegle, 2011). In 2004, every 100,000 people age 65 and older, 14.3 died due to suicide. This is higher than the rate of about 11 per 100,000 in the general population. The statistics of depression are rapidly increasing in this population, and it is vital to identify the risk factors and implement actions to reduce these indicators (CDC, 2010). In Miami Dade County older Hispanic men who live alone reported to having the highest levels of depression. Other risk factors also are associated, such as physical disability, lack of family and social support, chronic diseases, or cancer (Russell & Taylor, 2009). In long-term care settings the percentage of residents with depression (9%) is less than the Florida (10%) and national average (15%). Identifying depression can be difficult in elderly people because the signs may be confused with the aging process, the medication’s side effect, and some medical conditions (Hospital Compare, 2010). Christoffel’s Three Stages of a Conceptual Framework This conceptual framework of Christoffel’s occurs in three stages (information, strategy, and action).The information stage includes the collection, description, and identification of data. The patterns of occurrence, risk, and defensive factors, effectiveness of the program in each level of prevention, and barriers to implement public health programs are just as important in this stage. The results of this stage are  materialized as data reports, journal articles, and other information’s tools (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2010). The strategy stage is aimed at the distribution and gathering of information to identify what must be changed. This involves the information to professionals and lay audiences, describing short term goals, building coalitions, and disseminates these aspects. The results of this stage include policy report, campaigns and public education, press conferences, strategy meetings, and other methods of information. The action stage explains the applicatio n of methods for example rising founds, the work with the organizations (local and government), and changes of individual and social patterns. The results of this stage include changes in attitudes, resource allocation; increase the social relations, policies, and procedures, which improve the positive results in public health (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2010). Christoffel’s Stages as Advocate in Older Adults with Depression The first stage (information stage) recognizes the problem: Older adults who are at a high risk of depression because they are associated with the incidences of chronic health conditions of the elderly population. The highest rates of suicide are reported in this age group. Every 100,000 people age 65 and older, 14.3 died by suicide in 2004. This is higher than the rate of about 11 per 100,000 in the general population (CDC, 2010). Miami Dade County has higher levels of depression reported in Hispanic men. Many risk factors are related to physical disability, lack of family and social support, and chronic diseases (Russell & Taylor, 2009). Furthermore, depression in older adults is frequently misdiagnosed and undertreated. One of the most imperative barriers to achieve competent effectiveness is the lack of nursing’s knowledge to assess depression in older adults. Moreover, frequent misdiagnosis due to fact that the signs and symptoms of depression are confused with the aging process, medication’s side effect, and some medical conditions (Hospital Compare, 2010). The second stage (strategy stage) contains the creation of short-term and a time frame goal is the first step to achieve the objectives of the project. This project includes numerous activities to implement new changes in this public health area. The dissemination of data throughout public forums (newspapers, magazines, websites, radio, and television) is vital in awakening the public’s attention on this issue. The creation of an association with the different stakeholders (patients, family, health care providers, insurance  companies, a nd other social institutions) is equally as important. Lastly, it is absolutely necessary to contact local governments, community services, and voluntary organizations to organize coalition to work in this issue. The third stage (action stage) is focused on the application of the strategies such as participations in local radio, television, and publishing articles in the local newspapers to disseminate the action plan. The implementation of an educational program focused on patients, families, and health care professionals is an important step in this stage. The educational program aimed at the health care professionals (nurses, social workers, and other professionals) should be supported by evidence-based results. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) will be used in this project; it is a proficient tool needed to assess depression in older adults. The National Aging Services will be contacted by the writer to obtain knowledge and support through the creation and implementation of the project. Finally to achieve the objectives it is imperative to create a multidisciplinary teamwork in the county to obtain an adequate social interaction, regulations, and legislation that permits the reduction of the asperity of this public health problem in Miami Dade County. To conclude this article demonstrated the traits of aggregate and community. This paper also characterized the Christoffel’s stages and how each stage can be applied to elders with depression. Thus, an action plan was established to improve the quality of care in this vulnerable population in Miami Dade County was described. References American Psychological Association. (2011). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Retrieved from Hospital Compare. (2010). Retrieved from Messing, A. (2009). Panxenos: An outsider’s sociology of self. Human Architecture, 7(3), 155- 172. Miller, B. F. & Keane, C. B. (2009). Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health (7th ed.). Saunders & Elsevier, Inc. Naegle, M. A. (2011, November). Detecting and screening for depression in older adults. American Nurse Today, 6(11), 18-22. National Center for Health Statistics. (2009). Nursing Home residents 65 years of age and over by age, sex, and race: Health United States 2009, tab 105. Nies, M. A. & Mc Even, M. (2011). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders. Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J. (2010). Foundations of nursing in the community: Community- oriented practice. (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier. U.S. Census Bureau’s. (2010. Hospitals: A randomized trial. JAMA, 304(17), 1912-1918. Retrieve from http://www.http//

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Catchphrases

Definition and Examples of Catchphrases Definition A catchphrase is a vogue expression, often media-inspired and usually short-lived. Also called catchwords. In a recent study (What Makes a Catchphrase Catchy?), Eline Zenner et al. describe catchphrases as expressions used in (visual) media, politics, literature etc. that catch on . . .: they are used freely in discourse, in contexts detached from the original source (New Perspectives on Lexical Borrowing, 2014). See Examples and Observations  below. Also see: Chunk51 Reasons Youll Never Be Told Youre FiredLogology Adage,  Maxim, Platitude,  and Proverb MottoPet PhraseSloganSnowcloneWhat Are Clichà ©s? Examples and Observations Wise Latina(catchphrase introduced by Sonia Sotomayor, first Hispanic Supreme Court justice)I know nothing.(Manuels catchphrase in the BBC television comedy  Fawlty Towers)Are you avin a laugh?(Andy Millmans catchphrase in  the BBC television comedy  Extras) Make America Great Again- In the end, Mr. Trump’s simple promise to Make America Great Again, a catchphrase Mrs. Clinton dismissed as a vow to return to a racist past already long disappeared, would draw enough white Americans to the polls to make up for his low minority support.(Amy Chozick, Hillary Clintons Expectations, and Her Ultimate Campaign Missteps. The New York Times, November 9, 2016)- You know how your favorite band suddenly seems less cool once your mom knows about them? Or an internet catchphrase loses its cachet once your history teacher uses it to explain the Reconstruction era? Presidential campaigns are like that.(Ryan Teague Beckwith, How a Beatles T-Shirt From Japan Became the Latest Donald Trump Merchandise. Time, August 26, 2016) Nuts to you, McGullicuty!The ultra-high-powered-to-the-point-of-insanity network executive, played by show-stealing Alec Baldwin, has a simple scriptwriting method: start with the catchphrases (Nuts to you, McGullicuty!, Who ordered the wieners?) and work backwards.(Pete Cashmore, 30 Reasons Why 30 Rock Rocks! The Guardian, February  14, 2009) Let Me Be ClearLet me be clear.In the first six months of Obama’s presidency, this simple sentence has gone from political pet phrase to full-on rhetorical signature, appearing (along with its variants let’s be clear and I want to be clear) scores of times in the commander in chief’s pre-written and extemporaneous remarks.(Andie Coller, Obamas Favorite Phrase., August  1, 2009) Oh, My![Dick] Enberg is especially remembered for developing and repeating memorable catchphrases in his broadcasts. After each Angels win, Enberg would close the TV broadcast by saying, And the Halo shines tonight! After any outsta nding play, youre likely to hear Enberg shout his catchphrase, Oh, my!(Ric W. Jensen, Dick Enberg. American Sports: A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas, ed. by Murry R. Nelson. Greenwood, 2013) A catch phrase is a phrase that has caught on, and pleases the populace. Ill go along with that, provided these substitutions be accepted: saying for phrase; and public for the tendentious populace.(Eric Partridge, A Dictionary of Catch Phrases. Routledge, 1986) Sources of CatchphrasesCatch phrases can come from a variety of media sources. During the 1984 presidential campaign, Walter Mondale asked his Democratic rival Gary Hart, Wheres the beef? when he wanted to question his opponents political experience. Although the expression has since died, at the time there was widespread use of this phrase, which originated from a Wendys hamburger chain television commercial.Other examples of catch phrases include Homer Simpsons Doh; Bringing sexy back, from Justin Timberlakes hit single; Im kind of a big deal, a famous line from the 2004 comedy Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.(Joseph Turow, Media Today. Taylor Francis, 2008) Dated CatchphrasesA catchphrase often wears itself out thro ugh overuse. A faux pas among those in the know is to date oneself by the use of an out-of-date catchphrase. As we examined catchphrases . . ., we noted that the older catchphrases (e.g., the journalistic If in doubt, strike it out, from 1894) seem more fresh than the more recent ones (Are we having fun yet? from 1984).(Dale D. Johnson et al., Logology: Word and Language Play in Vocabulary Instruction, eds. J. F. Baumann and E. J. Kameenui. Guilford, 2003) The Catchphrase CrazePrince must be peeved.Taylor Swift, born six years after he urged us to party like it’s 1999, is seeking a trademark for party like it’s 1989 and other phrases from her current album, including this sick beat and nice to meet you; where you been.If approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Swift will have the exclusive right to use those phrases on a wide range of products, including clothing and accessories.She’s not alone in trying to cash in on catchphrases: The Seattle Seahawks have filed trademark applications for boom and the number 12, according to The Seattle Times. Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Marcus Stroman registered height doesn’t measure heart. . . .It’s all part of a disquieting trend to lock up property rights at the expense of others’ free speech.(Ken Paulson, Catchphrase Craze Comes With Costs. The Californian, February 4, 2015) The Lighter Side of CatchphrasesMarge: I saved these for you, Bart. You ll always have them to remind you of the time when you were the whole worlds special little guy.Bart: Thanks, Mom.Lisa: And now you can go back to just being you, instead of a one-dimensional character with a silly catchphrase.Homer: Doh!Bart: Aye Carumba.Marge: Hmmmmm.Ned Flanders: Hidely-ho.Barney Gumble: [belches]Nelson: Ha-ha.Mr. Burns: Excellent.[Everyone stares at Lisa.]Lisa: If anyone wants me, Ill be in my room.Homer: What kind of catchphrase is that?(Bart Gets Famous. The Simpsons, 1994)Its just like Vince always said. I should think about what I do before I do it. How does he put it? Considering the consequences is awesomeness . . . sss . . .. He turned away and feverishly shook his head, mumbling. That is the worst catchphrase ever.(David O. Russell and Andrew Auseon, Alienated. Simon Schuster, 2009) Alternate Spellings: catch phrase

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Child Of Nature Cannot Survive In Civilization essays

A Child Of Nature Cannot Survive In Civilization essays A Child Of Nature Cannot Survive In Civilization The fact that a sheltered child cannot survive in civilization is made abundantly clear in A Separate Peace. Throughout this novel, author John Knowles gives many examples along with details of why this is not possible and how lives become corrupt when it occurs. After Leper came back from the war, he was an extremely different person. Where as, before, he was laidback and silent. However, when he escaped and went back, he was blunt and fanatical. On page 135, Gene tells how the Leper of the beaver dam could not have said the words that were coming out of his mouth at that moment. The things he experienced were so different than the manner in which things were at Devon that he flipped into a complete stranger. Near the end of the novel, the adult Gene explains how all the young men he knew at Devon reached a point at which everything in the world seemed so overwhelming. Their characters eventually broke as a result. Being sheltered from all evil by the walls of! Devon, the boys had no understanding of the outside world, for they lived in an artificial one. Because of this, every one of the boys went through a dilemma. Living in a place where there was no hardcore violence had its flaws in the long run, because we do not live in a perfect world. On the last page, Gene describes how Leper had emerged from a protective cloud only to meet horror face to face. Once again, the hostility and harshness of the war comes into factor. After coming out like a butterfly from a cocoon, there was no turning back for the boys at Devon. Nothing could save them from the evils they would meet after leaving the safeness of Devon. No one, except their fellow classmates, would ever understand their helplessness, for outsiders could not fathom the circumstances under which they were institutionalized and deceived. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Understanding Learning

Understanding Learning Free Online Research Papers Understanding learning within humans and non-humans is an area that psychologists have researched over many years. The first major approach was behaviourism which lead to the comparative and cognitive approaches. These two approaches are supported by different physiologists, who have defined methods to help understand learning such as; animals behaviour and the humans mind. These approaches both use experiments, however, they consider different elements to help prove their research, which can be similar and contrast with each other. The comparative perspective in psychology is based on behaviourism; the behaviourist psychologists use mainly experiment to observe the behaviour of animals and other creatures in learning. Researchers propose that learning is potentially observable and measurable and the environment is taking a huge part in studying behaviour in learning. The cognitive perspective come from behaviourism it also uses experimental, but as time goes on the aspects of studying learning has changed. It focuses on more understanding the inferences that happens in the brain processes. The processes in the brain is one of the main aspects of the cognitive perspective. This approach does still have behaviourism as a major element like comparative, however, it also balances it with the mental processes. A method which helps differentiate the cognitive approach is category learning which group things together to help humans organise their experiences. One of the first experiments or studies for category learning was by Bruner at al, who used a method called hypothesis testing. This method of proving and disapproving the hypothesis is not considered by comparative approach. A comparative approach which does uses part of the cognitive approach was part of Tolman’s research. Tolman used classical and instrumental conditioning to find out how the rats behaviour changed and learnt. His experiment focuses on whether the rat learnt from its given environment and adapted its behaviour by taking account the learning within the brain. His experiment combines the comparative and cognitive approach because it makes inference of what is going on in the rats head. The behaviourist Tolman suggest â€Å"that learning involves ‘something in the head as well as a change in behaviour† p181 Tolman The comparative approach usually does an experiment based on condition that observes the subjects behaviour. The researcher will make judgement of the outcome of the behaviour that the subject shown in the artificial environment. The artificial environments which are set up in this approach can also be seen by the cognitive perspective. In Skinners box an environment was set up to monitor behaviour of rat learning how to get food. The experiment involved rat to learn expectancies by giving series of positive reinforcement, which the delivery of food is manipulated by the experimenter which is called operant conditioning. The experiment showed that the behaviour of the rat learnt from the experiment which is applied by the law of effect. The environment of the experiment has a lack of ecological validity due to behaviour of the rat may not be linked closely to humans despite of animals adapt as humans do. In comparison to comparative approach, the lack of ecological validity can also be seen in the Bruners’s card experiment. His work has not got the real life scenario and it is based on an empiricism method. He developed cards which are classed as artificial stimuli, the participants categorised the cards by asking if certain cards were part of the same category and when the participants settled on their hypothesis they wrote it down. This cognitive approach looked at how the mind categorise items, Bruners said that people use two main strategies; successive scanning and conservative focusing. Bruners argue that â€Å"people learn concepts via a process of generating and then refining hypothesis in the light of further evidence†p193 This type of cognitive approach can have several results and there are some human interpretations. Another problem with Bruners hypothesis approach was pointed out by Fodor and Chomsky, known as induction problem. This is when the hypothesis is based on past experiences and there could a number of different hypothesis’s that are correct, which could also contradict each other. This is very different to the empirical nature of the comparative approach seen in Skinners box which gives clear results in the changing behaviour of the rat. The researchers of the cognitive approach shifted from Bruners empirical based experiment to more meaningful categories. Murphy and Kaplan believed the background knowledge was important in category learning. For example, the results of the experiment show that the participants did not try to learn the different attributes they used the background knowledge to link the attributes. However, these two view points of this approach differ from each other because Brunner does not take into account prior knowledge. Murphy’s experiment uses one related attribute and five unrelated attribute of cars. This theme meant that participants learnt twice as quick than those who did not have related theme. In contrast to the cognitive approach the comparative approach takes into account the innate knowledge of the subject. As shown in the Skinners box when the behaviour of rat is observed using its natural knowledge of desire for food. Without this innate nature the rat would not acquire the necessity of learning to get the food. Similar points of view have been suggested using a cognitive approach by Fodor and Chomosky. They both argue that learning comes from innate, which is similar to the Plato who believed that learning primarily came from nativism. They suggested that an alternative to category knowledge is the subject’s innate behaviour. The different approaches that psychologists have studied to help understand learning with animals and humans have meant that there are many methods that can help explain. Comparative with its background in behaviourism tended to monitor events of animals and it was later that physiologists started to make inferences of the brain to try and help explain the results. The cognitive approach identifies ways which humans categorises things depending on our experiences, previous knowledge or innate abilities. The two approaches to learning use very different methods but they also draw on certain similar elements especially when making inferences about the brain. Research Papers on Understanding LearningEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThree Concepts of PsychodynamicIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalGenetic EngineeringResearch Process Part OneBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfStandardized TestingThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseOpen Architechture a white paperTrailblazing by Eric Anderson

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The decision to terminally wean a critically ill patient Article

The decision to terminally wean a critically ill patient - Article Example Nursing, as well as the other aspects of the medical profession, is one of the most demanding of tasks, requiring as much skill as an admirable character. Nursing care is directed towards the essential and comprehensive needs of the patient, as well as the needs of their families during the entire course of the medical treatment. This is especially important during the difficult times of passing away of the patient, where the role of the nurse is to relieve the symptoms and suffering associated with the process of dying, as well as the emotional burden that the family is left to cope with. "The nurse should provide interventions to relieve pain and other symptoms in the dying patient even when those interventions entail risk of hastening death. However, nurses may not act with the sole intent of ending a patient's life even though such action may be motivated to by compassion, respect for patient autonomy and quality of life considerations"1. First, it is important to understand that the terminally ill patients, no matter of their illness, are divided into 2 main groups. The first group is the patients capable of communicating with the environment and therefore are capable to make conscious decisions about their future treatment and medical care. The second are those that are unconscious, in particular those who are on life support systems. Both conscious and unconscious patients receive pain control medications to ease their suffering. Pain control is one of the basic treatments given to terminally ill patients. It relieves the physical, as well as the emotional stress of the family. According to latest protocols administrating the pain control medications begins with you examining patients' or the families' attitude toward pain control, and then toward a specific preferred assessment tool. You also need to perform a comprehensive pain assessment by reviewing pathophysiologic or psychological causes of pain. Don't forge t to asses the patients' response after an hour of administrating the analgesic. Also, immediately inform the doctor when the pain control regiment has reached the maximum limit, or there are sighs of adverse reactions. It is also important to explain to the patient (if possible) and his family that everyone has individual pain response to illness, and that pain control is important to proper medical care. Never to forget to review the pain medications' side effects. "Withdrawing ongoing life support is a dreaded but necessary therapeutic maneuver when life-supporting devices have become hindrances rather than benefits"2. Pain control medications are still administered to ease the passing of the patient. There are 2 methods of removal: terminal weaning in which the endotracheal tube is left in place as ventilation support is slowly withdrawn, and terminal extubation in which the endotracheal tube is abruptly removed and the patient is suddenly without ventilation support. Most doctors and medical personnel believe that "terminal weaning is the most desirable mode for both ergonomic and physiologic reasons. The continued

Friday, October 18, 2019

Futures and Options Market Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Futures and Options Market - Term Paper Example In financial reporting, VAR is considered one of the major three methods used and as well recommend by the FRR. The method plays a major role in ensuring they give the most likely the institution is likely to suffer when operated under normal market movements. The rule of disclosing markets risks requires that the method must gauge the level of risk they are exposed to and make sure their investors can make their judgement in regards to the same facts. In a real sense, it should be a faithful model of letting them know what is happening on the ground. The FRR requires the investors the make demands of hefty compensation if they learn it after the risks have taken place (JORION, 2001). By testing, it’s revealed that the relationship between the cost of capital and VAR are positive. The results obtained are of great facts. This is even after they have taken care of various characteristics of the firms operating in that market. The relationship between the cost of equity and VAR shows that, it’s an effective measure which can be used to determine the value investors are likely to make for being exposed to the market risks. Moreover, am looking to determine whether, VAR is also accounted for in the determination of the cost of equity. I have achieved this by involving measures of complicated elements of the banks. On the other hand, the report is more effective to Reckless bank PLC whose management are thinking of taking value-at-risk in order to boost their stakeholders value. This means they will be able to make their decisions on the basis of the results they have obtained from various correlation and simulation models. Then realization of the fact that stock markets are affected by the VAR reported in terms of the results reported in an economical perspective, it brings the need to look at these results more keenly and avoid the losses which are associated with it (PENZA & BANSAL, 2001). The

The Role of Context in Biblical Hermeneutics Essay

The Role of Context in Biblical Hermeneutics - Essay Example Context plays a central role in the act of biblical interpretation. This paper is an attempt to demonstrate how this is so, and why this is so. It begins with a brief examination of the role of context in communication in general, which will then be applied to the activity of textual interpretation using the concept of the hermeneutic circle as developed by Frederich Schliermacher and Hans Georg Gadamer. Consider the following statement: â€Å"The Monkees are the greatest band ever.† On the face of it, the meaning seems obvious. It is a statement of the relative worth of The Monkees by comparison to all other musical acts throughout history. It implies that when compared with, say, the Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Metropolitan Opera Company, and all of the Homeric bards, that the Monkees come out on top. However, this is not necessarily the meaning the statement is intended to convey. If it is said in a grave voice, it may mean just this. If it is said in an excited voice while at a concert, we may take it as earnest hyperbole. However, if it is said in a hipster infested coffeehouse, we may take it to mean precisely the opposite. The meaning of any statement is subject to the same sort of factors. Their sense cannot be determined by the examination of the mere words used, rather they must be understood with reference to the total situation in which they are spoken. As this is with spoken communication, so it is with written texts. To return this to Biblical matters, we may examine the following Biblical quotation: â€Å"He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.†1 If this statement is truly taken without context, it makes a most surprising assertion. Namely, that God is a rock. Further, we find, with some surprise, that God, unlike other, more common examples of rocks, is the sort of rock that judges, and is just. One might wonder how to distinguish between ju st and unjust rocks, and indeed whether God is igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary. However, when this passages is juxtaposed with other descriptions of God found throughout the Bible, what is at first nonsensical transparently reveals itself to be metaphor. Of course, the above example is not entirely serious. No one has ever thought to read this passage as literally suggesting that God is a rock. However, this alone reveals something. Namely that everyone, instinctively, takes into account the surrounding passages, and the whole of their knowledge of the Bible when interpreting single verses. Further it sharply shows the dangers of taking biblical quotations out of context. One may ask how this works, and just how much of a role that context plays in this process. One approach would be to argue that context completely determines the meaning of individual statements, however, this seems as absurd as maintaining that context plays no role at all. It must be the case that context and statement both bear some weight in understanding a text. The German biblical and classical scholar Frederich Schliermacher proposed an interesting way to understand this relationship.2 When interpreting any text, he maintained, the part is always understood through the whole. Conversely, the whole is always understood by means of the individual parts. The relation is reciprocal. This reciprocal relation is usually referred to as â€Å"the hermeneutic circle.† An example may help to make clear how this works. One may find oneself reading through a political blog post and find oneself agreeing with it. Two-thirds of the way through, the author makes a blatantly bigoted statement. This, should, of course, give the reader pause, and the work of

Filmmaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Filmmaking - Essay Example So one of the most important things to be considered while filmmaking is the ethical dimensions to the subject, to the story, to the articulation of different scenes, to the moral justification of the utilization of media for creating awareness or creating a means of violence in the minds of audience (Maccarone p.200). In most cases, the ethical considerations are mostly ignored by the filmmaker and only the major attention is given towards utilizing it for earning huge sums of money. Ethics are a continuous issue that is required to be carefully considered while filmmaking. This hard decision-making is extremely dominant in documentaries development, due to the difficulties linked in shooting â€Å"social actors or ‘real people’ (Nichols p.2). More significantly, the ethical matters confronted by a filmmaker dissent amongst each of the modes of documentary. Each peculiar documentary mode impersonates different conventional choices that must be attained in order to function in an ethical style. Two such documentary films made in order to expose the way ethics should be considered when commencing a documentary are ‘Capturing the Friedmans’ in 2003 and ‘Etre at Avoir’ in 2001. These films had been created in distinct documentary modes, spotlighting that none o f the modes facilitates the ethical decisions linked with it. Moreover, the fact that needs to be considered is the way the choices of styles in each mode may impact the power relationships amongst the filmmaker, subject of the film and its audience, (Nichols p.10). The significance of ethics while filmmaking, is ignored as they appear in the filmmaking world to lead the behavior due to lack of such rules and guidelines (Nichols p.20). It has been argued by Bill Nichols that the important question to think is the way the people are treated around which the whole documentary is based. As mentioned afore, despite of the type of film making, the filmmakers should be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

World History Before 1500 Chapter 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World History Before 1500 Chapter 5 - Assignment Example Other elements include important civilization tools like introduction of writing. The resurgent Greek civilization was characterized by population growth, the rice of metallurgy technology and development of intensive and extensive agriculture. The Greek civilization was defined by acquisition of knowledge and they relied on agriculture for sustenance while the Phoenician civilization was developed through trade. They were mighty traders and dominated the sea trade for approximately 3000 years. They Phoenician civilization brought Asian culture into the Europe through trade that affected Greece and the whole Mediterranean immensely (FernaÃŒ ndez 107). The main developments occurred in the area of medicine and artistry such as metallurgy and music. They developed in agriculture by use of metallic tools and fertilizer; they became masters in the areas of mathematics, astrology, geography, physics and astronomy. The Chinese at the time of Zhou dynasty develop writing as well (FernaÃŒ ndez 105). The Aryans: were warrior people, inhabited the Ganges valley. They did not develop writing as earlier as the Chinese did. They had little interest in painting and sculpture, neither did they engage in trade, but they mainly practiced agriculture. Technology spurred major changes in the Americas and sub- Saharan Africa since it helped boost production in agriculture through use of machines to prepare farmland, use of fertilizer and irrigation. It also encouraged the trade of agricultural produce by simplifying transportation to other regions (FernaÃŒ ndez 92). The links that existed between sub-Saharan Africa and Asia based on trade: they engaged in batter trade especially on agricultural produce. Cultural transmission in Americas and Africa lacked vast climatic chasms from south to north and north to south, which called for different strategies for trade. Monsoonal wind system of maritime Asia and stable Mediterranean weather favored

Microtubules Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Microtubules - Lab Report Example This interaction, revealed by the structure, is branded the EB1-like motif and there is possibility that the binding interaction of CLIP family depends on this. Intuitively, considering that CLIP experiences binding at the acidic tail of tubulin, it is also possible that the acidic tail of EB1 also provides the same condition allowing for binding. 12 One of the important parts of the cell micro skeleton is the microtubules. The dynamics of microtubules is a very significant feature of cell control and cell morphogenesis. According to research carried out recently, microtubules are attributed with the role of maintaining intrinsic cell length control. Meanwhile, even after the development of a model that describes the MT dynamics that are associated with the control of cell length, elucidation of the spatial variability of MT nucleation is yet to occur. This presentation is a case of an investigation on the dynamics that are associated with nucleation of microtubules. This presentation particularly refers to a Hela cell that has no visible chromosome which was videoed after aligning itself along a track of micro patterned fibronectin. This presentation also wanted to find out the quantitative distribution of catastrophes and velocities inside the cell’s cortical and non-cortical regions. It also sought to investigate the spatial distribution of the microtubule nucleation that had resulted. According to the results obtained, concentration of microtubule nucleation could not be considered random as it was concentrated in particular regions of the cell. Also, the results showed that the cortical actin was instrumental in triggering the nucleation rate. The rate slowed down after the cortical actin layer was removed. After further examination of the microtubule lifetimes among the case and the control, it was found out that the slowing of nucleation rate could be attributed to the slowing down of the microtubule catastrophe rate, in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Filmmaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Filmmaking - Essay Example So one of the most important things to be considered while filmmaking is the ethical dimensions to the subject, to the story, to the articulation of different scenes, to the moral justification of the utilization of media for creating awareness or creating a means of violence in the minds of audience (Maccarone p.200). In most cases, the ethical considerations are mostly ignored by the filmmaker and only the major attention is given towards utilizing it for earning huge sums of money. Ethics are a continuous issue that is required to be carefully considered while filmmaking. This hard decision-making is extremely dominant in documentaries development, due to the difficulties linked in shooting â€Å"social actors or ‘real people’ (Nichols p.2). More significantly, the ethical matters confronted by a filmmaker dissent amongst each of the modes of documentary. Each peculiar documentary mode impersonates different conventional choices that must be attained in order to function in an ethical style. Two such documentary films made in order to expose the way ethics should be considered when commencing a documentary are ‘Capturing the Friedmans’ in 2003 and ‘Etre at Avoir’ in 2001. These films had been created in distinct documentary modes, spotlighting that none o f the modes facilitates the ethical decisions linked with it. Moreover, the fact that needs to be considered is the way the choices of styles in each mode may impact the power relationships amongst the filmmaker, subject of the film and its audience, (Nichols p.10). The significance of ethics while filmmaking, is ignored as they appear in the filmmaking world to lead the behavior due to lack of such rules and guidelines (Nichols p.20). It has been argued by Bill Nichols that the important question to think is the way the people are treated around which the whole documentary is based. As mentioned afore, despite of the type of film making, the filmmakers should be

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Microtubules Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Microtubules - Lab Report Example This interaction, revealed by the structure, is branded the EB1-like motif and there is possibility that the binding interaction of CLIP family depends on this. Intuitively, considering that CLIP experiences binding at the acidic tail of tubulin, it is also possible that the acidic tail of EB1 also provides the same condition allowing for binding. 12 One of the important parts of the cell micro skeleton is the microtubules. The dynamics of microtubules is a very significant feature of cell control and cell morphogenesis. According to research carried out recently, microtubules are attributed with the role of maintaining intrinsic cell length control. Meanwhile, even after the development of a model that describes the MT dynamics that are associated with the control of cell length, elucidation of the spatial variability of MT nucleation is yet to occur. This presentation is a case of an investigation on the dynamics that are associated with nucleation of microtubules. This presentation particularly refers to a Hela cell that has no visible chromosome which was videoed after aligning itself along a track of micro patterned fibronectin. This presentation also wanted to find out the quantitative distribution of catastrophes and velocities inside the cell’s cortical and non-cortical regions. It also sought to investigate the spatial distribution of the microtubule nucleation that had resulted. According to the results obtained, concentration of microtubule nucleation could not be considered random as it was concentrated in particular regions of the cell. Also, the results showed that the cortical actin was instrumental in triggering the nucleation rate. The rate slowed down after the cortical actin layer was removed. After further examination of the microtubule lifetimes among the case and the control, it was found out that the slowing of nucleation rate could be attributed to the slowing down of the microtubule catastrophe rate, in the

Spring And Autumn Essay Example for Free

Spring And Autumn Essay Natural events In spring, the axis of the Earth is increasing its tilt toward the Sun and the length of daylight rapidly increases for the relevant hemisphere. The hemisphere begins to warm significantly causing new plant growth to spring forth, giving the season its name. Snow, if a normal part of winter, begins to melt, and streams swell with runoff. Frosts, if a normal part of winter, become less severe. In climates that have no snow and rare frosts, the air and ground temperature increases more rapidly. Many flowering plants bloom this time of year, in a long succession sometimes beginning even if snow is still on the ground, continuing into early summer. In normally snowless areas spring may begin as early as February (Northern Hemisphere) heralded by the blooming of deciduous magnolias, cherries, and quince, or August (Southern Hemisphere) in the same way. Subtropical and tropical areas have climates better described in terms of other seasons, e.g. dry or wet, or monsoonal, or cyclonic. Often the cultures have locally defined names for seasons which have little equivalence to the terms originating in Europe. Many temperate areas have a dry spring, and wet autumn (fall), which brings about flowering in this season more consistent with the need for water as well as warmth. Subarctic areas may not experience spring at all until May or even June, or December in the outer Antarctic. While spring is a result of the warmth caused by the turning of the Earths axis, the weather in many parts of the world is overlain by events which appear very erratic taken on a year-to-year basis. The rainfall in spring (or any season) follows trends more related to longer cycles or events created by ocean currents and ocean temperatures. Good and well-researched examples are the El Nià ±o effect and the Southern Oscillation Index. Unstable weather may more often occur during spring, when warm air begins on occasions to invade from lower latitudes, while cold air is still pushing on occasions from the Polar regions. Flooding is also most common in and near mountainous areas during this time of year because of s nowmelt, accelerated by warm rains. In the United States, Tornado Alley is most active this time of year, especially since the Rocky Mountains prevent the surging hot and cold air masses from spreading eastward and instead force them into direct conflict. Besides tornadoes, supercell thunderstorms can also produce dangerously large hail and very high winds, for which a severe thunderstorm warning or tornado warning is usually issued. Even more so than in winter, the jet streams play an important role in unstable and severe weather in the springtime in the Northern Hemisphere. In recent decades season creep has been observed, which means that many phenological signs of spring are occurring earlier in many regions by a couple of days per decade. Spring is seen as a time of growth, renewal, of new life (both plant and animal) being born. The term is also used more generally as a metaphor for the start of better times, as in the Prague Spring. Spring in the Southern Hemisphere is different in several significant ways to that of the Northern Hemisphere. This is because: there is no land bridge between Southern Hemisphere countries and the Antarcticzone capable of bringing in cold air without the temperature-mitigating effects of extensive tracts of water; the vastly greater amount of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere at all latitudes; at this time in Earths geologic history the Earth has an orbit which brings it in closer to the Southern Hemisphere for its warmer seasons; there is a circumpolar flow of air (the roaring 40s and 50s) uninterrupted by large land masses; no equivalent jet streams; and the peculiarities of the reversing ocean currents in the Pacific. AUTUMN SEASON Autumn is when all these colors transition into different levels of reds and browns and become crisp, falling off for children to sweep or collect. If the leaves in spring are bright green, the leaves in autumn are a magnificent red. Spring is the signal that winter has already ended, and autumn is the signal that summer is finally over and done with. For many people, spring lets them look towards summery days and vacations ahead ‘â€Å" while autumn signifies the reality of going back to school and the routines of the most part of the year. Colorful plants and green leaves versus brilliant reds and browns and falling leaves ‘â€Å"an awakening from the cold, and the end of the hot summer heat. The eager anticipation of sunny days and breezy nights, and the stark reality of a vacation ended on a high note. These are usually the things that come to mind when you try to differentiate between the two seasons of spring and autumn.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mahasweta Devi Rudali

Mahasweta Devi Rudali Amity Institute of English Studies and Research INTRODUCTION Mahasweta Devi’s Rudali centers on the two women who develop a partnership for survival. Rudali is one of the haunting stories that come from remote villages in Rajasthan. The novel depicted the struggle Sanichari oppressed against poverty, humiliation and wrecked by an exploitative patriarchal caste-basedsocial system.Damaged by their own family, community members or the ruling rich, these women either submit to a relegated existence, which became prostitutes for survival; or like Sanichari and Bikhni, challenges their subjugation. The novel represented the miserable condition of a low-caste starving family in post-colonial Indian society. It highlighted the particularly miserable position of backward class women inrural India. Mahasweta Devi was born in 1926 in the city of Dacca in East Bengal. Born into a literary family, Mahasweta Devi was also influenced by her early association with Gananatya, a group who attempted to bring social and political theater to rural villages in Bengal in the 1930s and 1940s. After finishing a master’s degree in English literature from Calcutta University, Devi began working as a teacher and journalist. Her first book, Jhansi Rani(The Queen of Jhansi), was published in 1956. In 1984, she retired from her job as an English lecturer at a Calcutta university to concentrate on her writing. Devi has been the recipient of several literary prizes. She was awarded the Jnanpath, India’s highest literary award in 1995. She is a long-time champion for the political, social and economic advancement of the tribal communities, whom she characterizes as â€Å"suffering spectators of the India that is traveling to the twenty first century†. Many of her stories are about tribal fighting oppression, resisting exploitation, rebelling against authority. She does not have connection with any school of thought yet her sympathetic portrayal of the subjugation of women and consequent revolt invariably adds a feminist dimension to her work. Woman characters in her works are stronger than that of men. Sanichari, the protagonist, is an active Dalit widow who lives in a village of Bihar, reeling under the burden of earning for her family. Without any earning family member, she faces many difficulty, feeding his family as she was cursed as a witch who has devoured the men of the house. Sanichari was alone and she finds a supporter in her long-lost friend Bikhni, another ill fatedDalit widow who was left alone by her own son. Everyone said shes led such a hard,sad life. But finding Bikhni has been a blessing (Devi.110). The two form a deep bond and a partnership for survival as they discover financial help in an different occupation as hired mourners (Rudali)to add pretension to funerals of the feudal rich in their two-faced society. The new profession gave them their first sense of mastery. But then, Sanichari suffers another blow when Bikhni dies from dysentery as given lack of basic medical care. After facing this much of loss, Sanichari is moreover shocked. But she refused to take a break and emerges revolts against her isolation. She visits the brothel to recruit a band of Rudalis all by herself from among the prostitutes, where she encounters her fiercely defiant runaway daughter-in-law Parvatia. Wishing to free them from mistreatment of the flesh trade, Sanichari motivates them on how to surpass as false mourners at funerals of the rich landlords, When you start, weep as if you have lost someone close to you, someone dear to your heart. Beat your breast and cry out with such feeling that their blood runs cold! sheteaches them. The play culminates with these prostitutes faking loud mourning at the death of the very man who pushed them into the pyre of prostitution. There is a sense of freedom from their indignant life in this alternative profession that earns them cash, food grains and goodies without having to sell their bodies. REPRESENTING MARGINS Representing the Margin is about the representation of socio cultural margins in Indian fictions, written in various Indian languages including English. The main agenda concerned in such novels are of caste and gender issues which was a prominent subject of the post and pre-independence era . The concept of marginalization means ‘to make somebody feel as they are not important and cannot influence decisions or events; or to put somebody in a powerless position’. The very opening of the story is that Sanichari be treated as a commodity and thrown away as soon as her commodified existence becomes useless to the males in her life. The tragic fate of tribal girls like Sanichari is clearly presented by Mahasweta Devi in this short story. The Indian paramilitary forces sought to subjugate the tribal people by burning their huts, by looting their possessions and killing them, and by gang raping their women. Mahasweta Devi discriminates between the civilized ordinary reader, reading a short story about the condition of the exploited tribal sitting in his or her comfortable hearth and home, and the condition of the â€Å"Ho-Oraon-Mundra girls†. When someone died in a malik mahajan household, the amount of money spent on the death ceremonies immediately raised the prestige of the family. The status of the Rudalis also rose. We can offer worship to shiva as well. after all weve managed to save up sever rupees! (Devi.73). Such is the degrading conditions in which the low caste woman is destined to live. And such women are termed as a separate caste. A caste of low caste â€Å"whore† women. It is the women who are ruined by the Malik Mahajans who turn them into whores. The Malik-Mahajan demands honor even when he is a corpse (Devi.91) But Sanichari rises to the occasion and seizes the opportunity by making it an act of revenge and expression of historical opposition .Sanichari thought that perhaps her tears had been reserved for the time when she would have to feed herself by selling them. It can also be identified as an predictable part of the advancement of the cultural politics of dissent and difference from the historically marginalized people of India. It can be justly termed as representation the culturalpolitics. CONCLUSION Sanichari was marginalized firstly as a girl child and she was forced to get married at the time of adolescence. And then her mother in law was also responsible for her marginalization, she always taunted her saying that she was born on Saturday so her name was inauspicious. She even said that Sanicharis life is full of sufferings and brought a bad luck to their family. This made Sanichari feel rebellious against her mother in law. Shanichari was compelled to go for the profession of a paid mourner (Rudali) because there was nobody to provide her with basic necessities of life. For them, nothing has ever come easy. just the daily struggle for a little maize gruel and salt is exhausting. while those people spend huge sums of money on death ceremonies, just to gain prestige†¦ (Devi.9) Lastly she turned up to be a Rudali just to earn her daily bread. Rudali is all about how to survive. She had to sell her tears which she never shed at the death of her own people but the death of the landowners so that she could earn livelihood. Works Cited Primary Source: Rudali by Mahasweta Devi Secondary Source: Rudaali. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Jan. 2014. Web. 05 Nov. 2014. Mahasweta Devi. Biography, Life History of Mahasweta Devi. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014. Mahasweta Devi. Author Profile, Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014. Rudaali. IMDb., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay -- The Canterbury Tales Essay

The only two women most significant and described in great detail in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer who provide the greatest insight into contemporary medieval society are the Wife of Bath and the Prioress. These two women appear similar in the General Prologue of the poem but, as we see through their tales, they are quite unique women and most importantly very different from one another. By examining both the Wife of Bath and the Prioress's tales, we are able to see the stark contrast between their social standards and behavior. However, in spite of the fact that these two ladies belong to two different social spheres, they surprisingly share some common characteristics. The initial similarity between these two women lies in their appearance but as the poem continues on we see that their life experience and their manner and personality are different from one to another. Chaucer's description of the two characters clearly describes the Prioress as a better nun. The Wife of Bath is the only woman, beside the Prioress and her companion Nun, on this pilgrimage. Chaucer discussed each of the two generally in all aspects beginning with their outer physical look, behavior, beliefs etc. Despite the first impression that Chaucer's description makes the Wife of Bath and the Prioress contradicting as day and night, a deeper look to it makes one observe their intersecting minor characteristics. As weird it may sounds as true it is to some extend. The first thing we come across is their physical look. The Wife of Bath even gap-toothed or a bit deaf she is pictured to have a rich tasteful dressing with her gorgeous distinct gown and fine scarlet red stockings and soft, fresh, brand new leather shoes. This description tells us ... ...rench of Paris was unknown to her. All of these characteristics show how the nun Prioress was focused on things that should not be important for a nun. Among her minor things, the nun in the tale actions was cautious and splendid. Her manners were unique, and practiced with perfection. Her table manners were admirable: she never let a morsel fall from her lips, nor wet her fingers too deeply in the sauce: daintily she carried a morsel to her lips, taking care that no drop should fall on her breast: she took much pleasure in proper etiquette. Her manners and being educated gave her joy, something that is wrong for a nun. Having manners for her was like giving a candy to a little boy. Also the author describes with a lot of details her manners to show us how important her behavior was for herself, an a nun's behavior should be reflected on other people not on herself.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Artists Life :: essays research papers

Much of the art of the Renaissance was extremely religious in its nature. The paintings from this time are almost entirely scenes from the Bible including: the enunciation of the Virgin Mary, depictions of the infant Jesus Christ, the crucifixion of Christ, and numerous other examples of Christian iconography. One would imagine that virtuous, upstanding artists would have created such angelic works of art. The stunning displays of morality, as seen in the works of many Renaissance painters, are not always a reflection of the artist’s lifestyle. Two examples of artists whose paintings did not reflect their lifestyles were Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio and Fra Filippo Lippi. Both of these artists created works that portrayed Christian iconography with great aesthetic expertise. Among these works are Caravaggio’s The Inspiration of Matthew and Lippi’s Madonna with the Child and two Angels. Fra Angelico was another artist from this same time period. He is quite a contradiction compared to his contemporaries. Angelico led a very pure life following the Christian morals of the time, unlike his peers. Caravaggio, while a great artist, had a stormy personal history. Very little is known about his life until it began to be documented in the criminal courts. His teens and early twenties were scattered with bouts of abject poverty, until he became renowned as an artist. From this point on, his name appears every few months on the police blotter. He became well known for picking fights, threatening people with swords and being arrested for such deeds. He was sued for libel and built up enemies to the point where his murder was attempted. He was found in bed with wounds around his neck and left ear. Because of this event, Caravaggio was jailed in his house for an entire month. He was forbidden to leave without written permission from the governor of Rome. However, it seemed nothing could keep Caravaggio out of trouble. In the month of May 1606, he killed a man who had won a bet over a ball game that afternoon. After this event, he was left wounded himself. He fled Rome, going to a patro n's house and eventually moved on to Naples. At the age of thirty-five, he left Naples and went to Malta, where he was well received for this renowned artwork. However, this situation did not last long. He got in a fight and was imprisoned. Shortly after arrest, he escaped and finally returned to Rome, where his reputation was still well known.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Crime and Violence in Jamaica Essay

Jamaica is a small third world country in the Caribbean with a population of approximately 2, 709, 300 people. The country faces many problems yearly but the worst is the ever increasing crime rate. In October 2011 Jamaica was ranked 3rd in a report of countries with the highest crime rates by the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development . The country has taken a turn for the worst over the past few years. Our local television stations and newspapers are packed with daily stories of robberies, political disputes, abuse in its many forms, murders, kidnappings, rapes and more recently, scamming. There are many factors which may contribute to crime and violence in our country. There are factors such as lack of jobs, lack of education, poverty, abuse or influence in homes, poor justice system and improper methods of dealing with conflict. A primary contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica is lack of jobs. Upon leaving school it is extremely difficult for Jamaican youths to find jobs so many of them turn to crime to sustain themselves. Many young people who fail to get jobs, either because they were under qualified or there was just nowhere to accommodate them, turn to felonies such as robbery and drug sale (especially marijuana). When asked why they choose to rob and sell drugs, many persons reply that they are just trying to make a living. There are also some situations in which students whose parents are out of jobs, sell drugs to make money for their tuition. Read more: Crime essay Another primary contributing factor to crime and violence in our country is poverty. It is a well known fact that many families in Jamaica are poor. In many of these families there is usually only a single parent, more often than not- a mother, and several children. In these situations the parent is unable to care for so many children. We see families with five, seven and sometimes even ten or more children appear on our local news programs asking for assistance because their children cannot attend school or they cannot buy necessary items for them. Many of these families are not able to provide proper shelter or food for their children, and they cannot afford to send them to school. A child from such a home might turn out to be uneducated and  may not be able to get a job in the future. Another child might decide that he cannot endure poverty any longer and may turn to crime to get â€Å"quick cash† or to try and make a living. Lack of education is another contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica. It is said that â€Å"Education is the key to success†, but sadly in this area, Jamaican youths are found lacking. Many young people have to drop out of school early for a variety of reasons. Some are unable to find school fees, books and other necessary items to attend school, others are made to stay home to look after an ill parent, many teenage girls get pregnant in school also and end up leaving school to try and find work to look after themselves and their child and others decide that school is just â€Å"not working out† and they choose to drop out. With a lack of education and proper training, and with the economy being the way it is, it will be nearly impossible to get a job. Being uneducated and unable to get a job many young people turn to crime to support themselves. The fourth contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica is abuse and/or influence in the home or a difficult home life. Some young people come from homes where they are abused or where there is violence. The popular saying â€Å"The child is a product of his environment† proves to be true. Children who grow up in homes where there is violence or criminal activities are more likely to grow up doing the same thing. Sadly, some children in our country are even introduced into criminal lifestyle by their parents. For example there have been cases where teenage girls are led to prostitution by their mothers who are also prostitutes. A child such as this will grow up doing this and even if she decides to change, it will not be easy because it is what she is used to. Also if such a child wishes to change, other factors could also prevent it. Factors such as poverty and lack of education. She will find it difficult to get on her feet and will eventually be forced to continue the lifestyle. In such situations the parents are to be blamed for introducing the child to certain lifestyles but they can also indirectly cause their child to turn to a life of crime. An example of this would be a child who has a difficult home life where there is abuse or conflicts. As a result this child may have a low self esteem and  self worth and will be easily influenced by his/her peers and may eventually get involved with things such as drugs. This same child may also have pent up anger and might be violent with his peers. The influence of music is also a contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica. Dancehall music has become increasingly violent over the past few years and it is evident that it is influencing our people negatively, especially our young people. It is no secret that Jamaican teenagers look up to and imitate the behaviors of our Jamaican artists. Watching the incredibly violent videos of dancehall sensation Tommy Lee, it is hard to believe that he would allow the distribution of such violent songs and videos. His videos are so violent that they cannot be viewed on television and can only be found on the popular social network Youtube. His songs are also heavily edited to allow radio play. With so many young people looking up to him and singing his lyrics it is nearly impossible for them not to be influenced by his negative lyrics. And this has indeed been happening in our society. My own brother told me about a situation at his school where a teenager wrestled a fellow class mate to the ground and rubbed his shoe in his face. When taken to the office the boy said his classmate had said something he did not like and he referred to popular lyrics from Tommy Lee. Here we are seeing where music is contributing to violence in our country. Many of these popular songs also include lyrics about the use of marijuana and other drugs. When teenagers listen to these songs and hear the people they look up talking about marijuana , they will want to try it too. This leads to the use and distribution of the illegal substance in our country. Jamaica’s poor justice system is also contributing to crime and violence in our society. Recently we are seeing where persons suspected of committing crimes are held in prison and awaiting trial for months and sometimes years at a time. Others are never convicted and are left to roam the streets and even to commit other crimes. It is understandable that persons will want justice for crimes committed against them and/or their loved ones. It must be very difficult to see someone who is responsible for murder walking around free while someone‘s parent, friend or sibling‘s life has been cut short. The family or friend of this deceased person may eventually decide to  stop hoping for the justice system to come through for them and may take matters into their own hands. When this person decides to end the life of the suspected murderer some friend or family of this person may decide to exact revenge on the disgruntled person, thus the chain of violence continues. It has also come to light that some members of the police force are involved in crimes in the country. If we cannot trust the persons who are supposed to protect us and look out for our best interests, then who can we trust? This also explains why many people decide to take their own revenge instead of waiting for the justice system to work. Even police officers who are not involved in crime will sometimes cause the public to lose faith in the justice system by poor methods of investigation, inactivity and poor judgment. Many investigations and open cases are jeopardized by police officers who are either ignorant or just negligent of the procedures to take when gathering evidence. Considering all these problems with the justice system it is not hard to see why some citizens take matters into their own hands and exact their own revenge. The final contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica is ineffective methods of dealing with conflict. The citizens of our country seem to not know how to correctly resolve problems. As soon as we feel threatened or offended, even about the smallest things, we resort to violence to â€Å"get back† at the person. We are not a people who will sit and talk through our problems, instead we find the quickest or easiest way to get revenge. Many people are injured and some even lose their lives over simple misunderstandings that could have been resolved without violence. Though our country has a high crime rate we must continue to hope for and work towards a day when there is no violence and crime plaguing our little island. In order to achieve this goal we must first address the root causes of crime and violence, these include factors such as lack of jobs, lack of education, poverty, influence of music, abuse and influence in the home, ineffective methods of conflict resolution and poor justice system.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Difference Between Gdp, Gnp and Nnp

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a year or a given time period within a country’s borders (domestic output). This includes all production, both material and intellectual, everything produced by government and private business as well as consumer goods and capital construction. Gross national product (GNP) is the total income earned by a country’s factors of production in a year or a given time period, regardless of where assets are located (nations' output).Net national product (NNP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by residents in a country during a given time period. The difference between GDP and GNP is the net foreign income (NFI), which is the difference between factor payments received from the foreign sector by domestic citizens and factor payments made to foreign citizens for domestic production. The â€Å"gross† in GDP and GNP indicates that there is no allowance for depreciation (capital consumption), value lost that occurs to inventory while it sits before being sold or consumed or the amount of capital resources used up in the production process.That is the difference between GDP and NNP. Depreciation (DP) is a reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of time, due to wear and tear. It can include consumption of goods in the production of other goods or services. Examples are the wear and tear that occurs with capital equipment such as machinery, transportation vehicles, office equipment and tools (all of these items eventually wear down and need to be replaced), accidental damage, obsolescence or retirement of capital assets. GDP is most commonly calculated by the expenditure method.It is done by adding consumer expenditure (C) + firm’s investments (I) + government spending (G) + exports minus imports (X-M). GNP is calculated by taking GDP + net property income from abroad (NFI). NNP is calculated b y taking GNP – DP. For example, if a Chinese company operates and earn profits in Australia, the income is included in Australia’s GDP but not China’s GDP. This is because the production took place in Australia. However, the profits earned are included in China’s GNP but not Australia’s GNP.This is because China owns the assets. There is also nominal GDP, which is today’s output at today’s prices and real GDP, today’s output at base-year prices. To calculate real GDP, we take the nominal GDP, use a ‘GDP deflator’ and adjust it for inflation. Inflation is the sustained increase in overall level of prices. This will overstate the value of GDP even if there has not been any increase in economic activity. The GDP deflator is a price index, which includes all good and services, rather than just consumer goods and services.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Paper Essay

Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Paper - Essay Example Thus large aspects of toxic torts, negligence torts, application of strict liability rules may form a substantial part of its legal milieu and needs to be addressed to, from time to time. The need to abide by environmental protection norms and guidelines and to evolve a suitable mechanism to tackle ostensible environmental violations, including water pollution management caused by discharge of effluents into the lake is pre-eminent. It is seen that tort occurs outside the ambit of contract. In other words, it is not necessary that contractual liability needs to be present in order to file a suit for tort damages. Thus if a person is walking down the road and a slab of concrete falls on his leg, he could bring a suit for Tort of negligence on the perpetrator. There need be no contractual obligation between the parties, unlike Law of Contract, to enforce claim for damages on the wrongful parties. Besides seeking access for compensation and penal damages for past environmentally harmful conduct, plaintiffs may seek injunctive relief to prevent potential health detriments. Manufacturing plants that, inter alia, empty â€Å"chemicals that poison the water† which may be used for human satiation, create risks of health hazards. (Tort Law: Damages, 2008). Thus under tort laws, if the Courts are of the opinion that the harm, or nuisance value outweighs its benefits, it may order restraint or prevention of such acts, by such plants on the environment. In the past the Company had to face legal action for not following safe toxic chemicals and effluents management systems.(Business regulation, 2008). Again, it has also been seen that Alumina Inc had been found liable for unsafe environmental and effluent treatment practices when a routine water sampling showed lower levels of less than acceptable standard 5 milligrams/liter of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHA).

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Cultural competence in nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cultural competence in nursing - Research Paper Example The first national identity is the national anthem. National anthem was composed at the start of the country’s first war of independence in 1868.Its symbolizes a call to arms that evokes the image of the country’s poor peasants in Bayamo. The second national symbol is the country’s flag. The white stars on it represent Masonic lodges in which the fight against its enemy, Spain was organized (Kapcia, 2005). Lastly the country third national symbol is flag of the 26th July movement. This flag is used as a symbol to remember and honor Castro’s attack on the army barracks. It serves as a symbol of the country resistance from dictatorship of imperialism of the U.S. Question 2 Willingness of Cubans to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas Cubans are very friendly and open in their communication. They normally share their problems, ideas, thoughts, concerns, and also many details relating to their personal life with other co workers (Herrera, 2011). Cubans te nd to regularly share their thoughts and ideas with other Cubans. They are mainly spotted standing closer to each other in public places as the converse and share their thought with their friends. Cubans take it as a taboo to discuss about their country’s government, political or social situation whenever they are talking to a stranger whom they don’t have a close relationship with (Herrera, 2011). This is because the socialism form of governance in the country is not a democratic system thus people are afraid to be labeled as enemies of government, thus they avoid any political, government, and social discussion with strangers and government officials. Question 3 Practice and meaning of touch in Cuban culture Cubans highly embrace the power of touch in their daily lives. Touching is considered as a sign to show affection to your friends and close relatives (Kapcia, 2005). Touching your friends and relatives does not indicate any sign of sexual attraction to the other person, thus it is culturally accepted. Both men and women, ensure there is fair amount of touch amongst themselves during conversations periods.Usually,whenever men are greeting one another, they shake hand, and even to some extent close friends engage in giving each other a firm hug, which may be followed by a few slaps on the back. This is a sign of appreciation and showing friendship amongst themselves. Whenever the male is greeting a person of opposite gender, mostly a handshake will do. But to family members and close friends, a light kiss on the cheek is shared (Kapcia, 2005). To women, whenever they are greeting each other, they mainly kiss each other once in the cheek. Question 4 Personal spatial and distancing strategies used by used by Cubans when communicating to their friends and families versus when communicating to strangers In Cuba, when an individual is communicating with a family members, friends, and also co workers, he or she tends to maintain a very short distan ce. Cubans perceive a distance of more than three feet’s between the communicators as a factor that hinder their communication efficiency (Herrera, 2011). They always step closer to a range of one foot distance to be more comfortable as they speak to their friends and relatives. However, whenever they are speaking to strangers, Cubans always tend to maintain a distance. This clearly shows that Cubans always prefer standing close to one another whenever they are talking to a person they know well as opposed to talking to a stranger, when they keep a far

Monday, October 7, 2019

Career Strategy of Financial Analyst Research Paper

Career Strategy of Financial Analyst - Research Paper Example The present research has identified that as the company’s financial decisions and competencies depend on the results produced by the financial analysts, the job roles shared by these professionals are of immense significance and subjected to their proficiencies in dealing with numerical complexities apart from ethical dilemmas. Observably, the occupation that researcher has chosen is of a financial analyst, which basically owes to his skills and abilities along with academic credentials, deemed to suit this particular job profile. However, apart from the fact that researcher finds himself suitable for this particular profession, there are also certain other reasons that have altogether encouraged me to choose this particular career option. Contextually, there are certain key features associated with this particular profession, which further took the attention. Notably, the profession of a financial analyst has become quite widely established in the recent years and is further expected to rise in the coming years owing to the rising need for companies to gain financial competencies and advantages thereupon. This increasing level of popularity, as well as respect associated with the selected profession, has attracted researcher’s attention towards the same. Again, it has also been noted that the scope for this particular occupation is quite wide as the services offered by a professional associated with this particular profession is needed by various business units to conduct their business operations with adequate ease and confidence based on the realistic financial information.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Philosophy of language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Philosophy of language - Essay Example Traditionally, opponents of the CTP have held that the statement â€Å"that appears/seems red† is reserved for situations in which there is reasonable doubt in an individual’s mind regarding whether something is truly red or otherwise. In that sense, part of the meaning inherent in â€Å"that appears/seems red† is attributable to the doubt in the speaker’s mind concerning whether something is red. Consequently, it would be inappropriate, and quite rightly so, to suggest that there is any ounce of doubt regarding whether something is red and it is false that anything â€Å"appears/looks/seems red† when one sees something red. For that reason, critics of the CTP have argued that seeing red cannot be analysed in causal terms, that is, in terms of it being caused to be in a manner in which an entity â€Å"looks/appears/seems† red. In 1961, Herbert Paul Grice, notable for his pioneering work in the philosophy of language, came to the defense of CT P; this paper explains the manner in which Grice employed his notion of implicature in defense of the Causal Theory of Perception. Grice published an article in which he distinguished between what is meant (what is said) and what is implied (implicated) (Bardzokas 2010, p.114); basically, Grice argues that in saying â€Å"that appears/seems/looks red†, one may implicate that something is not really red but does not out rightly refute that something is red or mean it is not really red. According to Grice, it is actually possible that one who says â€Å"that looks/seems/appears red† sees something red and it could also be that they see something that seems red to them (even if otherwise). If to say â€Å"that appears red† implicates that something may not necessarily be red, it is contradictory to say â€Å"that appears red, and it is red†; Grice posits that the implication that a thing is not really red can be explicitly cancelled out. Consequently, if the implicatum of what a speaker says

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Financial Aspect of Health Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial Aspect of Health Care - Assignment Example This is because knowing the healthcare costs ensures financial efficiency of the patient. Cost knowledge enables the consumer to plan (budget) for products and services; this will enable him or her to choose the most appropriate and affordable health product or service provider. The exact total fraud value in the healthcare sector in the USA is not known. The Government Accountability Office, in 2010, illustrated that $48 billion dollars were used in improper payments in the health sector. That is approximately 10% of the outlays for that year totaling to $500 billion. However, Erick Holder, the US Attorney General illustrates that approximately $60-90 billion fraud in 2010 in the Medicaid and Medicare fraud (Pear, 2008). Waste occurs in the health sector programs through misallocation of financial resources; for example allocating a lot of finances to non essential projects. Cost containment entails controlling the expenses or costs needed in operating a healthcare organization, or implementing a health project within planned budgetary limits. Cost containment exercise is a significant management function, because it ensures cost efficiency. This is through using appropriate expenses to achieve intended healthcare targets. The most appropriate metaphor for cost containment is financial budget. This is because it sets limits in the financial use in healthcare, so as to realize efficiency and effective management of funds allocated for healthcare (Pear, 2008). Healthcare is considered a business because it applies the theory and principles of management. One of the principles of management illustrates a scalar chain of command. This describes the flow of authority and power from a single top level, to the lower levels of the health organizations. In healthcare, instructions flow from the top management of the health institution, through the middle management, to the lower and non-managerial staffs. Healthcare is a delivery system because; it aims at

Friday, October 4, 2019

Discussion topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion topic - Assignment Example For example, z-test can be used in a research study that involves comparison diabetes prevalence between male and female adolescents in a certain city; this is because the population shall be very large. A t-test is a hypothesis in statistics whereby the test statistics follows a t- distribution and the null hypothesis is congruent. In essence, the t-test can be assumed to establish whether two sample sets of data is significantly different from one another, and it is usually applied where the statistics being tested would have a normal curve distribution and the scaling term well known. The t-test examines the t-statistics as well as the level of freedom to establish a p-value, which can be utilised to determine if there is a difference in the population means (Senn, 2008). The statistical significance in t-test indicates whether there is a difference between two sampled group and the mean mostly reflects the actual difference in the study population from which they were sampled. t-test can be  utilised  to establish  Ã‚  if the slope of regression line has got significant difference from zero and to test null hypothesis when the difference between two answers have a mean value of 0 when measured on similar statistical unit. For example suppose, we are assessing the size of the prostate gland with cancer prior and post radiation. If the radiation was effective, then the tumour should decrease in size for several patients post treatment. This is often termed as paired

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Financial audit Essay Example for Free

Financial audit Essay A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A deficiency in design exists when (a) a control necessary to meet the control objective is missing, or (b) an existing control is not properly designed so that, even if the control operates as designed, the control objective would not be met. A deficiency in operation exists when a properly designed control does not operate as designed or when the person performing the control does not possess the necessary authority or competence to perform the control effectively. * Material weakness. A deficiency or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entitys financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. * Significant deficiency. A deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. AU-C Â §265 also claims that the auditor should communicate to management at an appropriate level of responsibility, on a timely basis. in writing, significant deficiencies and material weaknesses that the auditor has communicated or intends to communicate to those charged with governance, unless it would be inappropriate to communicate directly to management in the circumstances. * in writing or orally, other deficiencies in internal control identified during the audit that have not been communicated to management by other parties and that, in the auditors professional judgment, are of sufficient importance to merit managements attention. If other deficiencies in internal control are communicated orally, the auditor should document the communication.